Settling in(to sofas, beds and anything that shouts comfort)

Day -7
What a day! Before you shield you're eyes, it was actually a very very pleasant and productive day. Wow! Let me hear you say "blessing!" Go on shout it! Shout it out! Okay, fine don't you bunch of animals.

Every morning the doctor comes in to check up on you at around 11am; they stand outside and chit chat outside with their clipboards before entering the cell. I have this complex that I cannot be seen still comatosed fast asleep at this time of day, it's just a little scandalous don't you think? Picture this: bald Rachel snoozing, tongue waggling and most likely a few snores, let's be truthful. My nurse even came in at 9am to take blood from me and I didn't even wake up. It's not just that; I see the doctors as the higher power, the almighty ones (I'm not being sarcastic) and so I feel like being up, dressed, fed and looking as though I'm doing something productive is a necessity.

Unfortunately this morning it was a different story; the door flew open and I decided this time I might open my eyes to see who it was. Three doctors with the main man doctor! Oh NO. So I bolted upright in my bed almost immediately to prove health and mobility are of no issue at the moment, yes sir no sir yes sir.... Etc. Basically what I'm trying to tell you is the doctors scary the shit out of me and I bow at their feet because you really don't know what the hell they are going to tell you next. Not only do I find them scary; I find them rather incredible (in the good way).

I started my first dose of chemo today. This chemo was new and I hadn't had it before; the second I was attached to the bag my eyes started running, my nose, sneezing all over the place. I called the nurse with grave concerns of the ressurection of the flu. She says calm down it's a side effect I told you about five minutes ago it will be over in 10 minutes. Sure enough she was right! Now I just feel loopy loo! Like I just want to chat? Who wants to chat? Let's C H A T.

The woman featuring on this blog is my mother, she literally runs the world and I love her. À demain!


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