Being Stylish And Dramatic

Yesterday I entered a kingdom of dreams; a wig shop. Even better, I could choose any wig I wanted for free and try them all on. I pre warned the wig lady that I might just be the fussiest clientele she may have ever come across and not to take any reactions to the wigs personally. See on the left.

I decided that the nicotine yellow wig certainly wasn't to my taste and my mum said I looked like a discarded "My Little Pony" to which I agreed. Tried on another few very dodgy looks, which I won't show you as they are worse than the left and added about 30 years onto me, not ideal when your trying to be chic.

Finally I found a very cute little blonde one!

Please ignore the pose, I was just checking myself out in the mirror.

At the moment I'm at home and loving life. The only rule is when you leave hospital, that if you get a temperature, even if it's a weeee tiny one, you have to go back in for at least 48 hours, which in my case has always turned into a solid week.

Yesterday I performed a moving and dramatic performance where I informed the household that to my disgust, the temperature probe was telling me my temp was 38.2. As I wailed and howled on the sofa for 15 minutes my mum came through to let me know that I'd been using the probe wrong. I don't trust the thing, last night I had it constantly wedged into my ear just incase my body decided to betray me. Everytime I feel slightly to warm or a little on the chilly side, I loose control, ones lid flips and any sort or rationality or composure flys out the window.

The bottom line is, when you're snug at home, watching a movie in my chair, squeezing my dogs and being waited on hand and foot. To have that torn away to be wheeled into hospital is a dirty deed. It leaves me (again) whaling in the back of the car thinking about the foam matress I will be sleeping on for the next few days. Last time they kept me in so long I brought my own duvet and lampshade to lighten up the ambiance a little.

However, I am really lucky that I get to stay in the teenage cancer trust ward. Number one, there's wifi, two big TV, three "the hub" a place with a TONNE of things to keep everyone busy and most importantly my nurses who I have gotten to know and love.

This blog was about to very minor stories, apologies for that. I just like writing em.


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