Nice News

Regular followers of my existence will have noted that I have recently landed a starring role in my own personal horror movie. Today's scene; a lingering 40° temperature, bone pain (yes BONE pain), extisential nausea and my first ever experience of a migraine. It's safe to say I look and feel great!!

Nevertheless I had some delightful news on Thursday! I had a bone marrow test taken on Wednesday and had to wait until the morning to get the results. The results being that either my treatment had or had not worked. As you can imagine it was a rather tense wait: I sat gazing out the window for hours filled with a lurching sense of dread waiting for my doctor to make his appearance.

He told me I'm in remission! At first I thought it was a wind up and I didn't trust my ears were retaining the correct information. I asked for it in writing but apparently that is not common practice. Most people just take the doctors word for it.

So, I howled at him for a few minutes (howling with joy) he looked a little stunned by my reaction but I explained to him that his was just a relief of stress, I never usually cry please don't feel awkward. He then explained that he will be going on holiday for a week and will leave me in the capable hands of the other doctors. I wished him well and he went on his merry way.

That's all for now however on a genuine note, if anyone knows a reflexologist that can come in to touch my feet and re-align my chakras I'd be eternally grateful.


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