On The Edge

I've been in hospital for two months and I've officially gone stir crazy. Now, since being diagnosed crying is unheard of, I don't cry. If anyone cries within my vicinity they are asked to remove themselves from my presence. However, after two months, I'm sure you can imagine my patience and emotions are wearing dangerously thin.

I mentioned last week that I would be getting home. Sadly, I made it home for only four hours before I got a temperature and was wheeled back in. Everyday the doctor comes in and tells me, just another 48 hours and we will see. I don't think the doctor understands the severity of my sore arse. I feel sorry for it, it never gets a break as I'm constantly perched on it.

So I've been getting these temperatures constantly, I have no signs of infection. Doctor thinks it is the last of my pneumonia leaving my chest (oh YEAH did I mention I managed to bag myself a dose of  pneumonia). Alongside the temperatures I have been getting these migraines that do not leave the body with painkillers, morphine, codeine you name it. Now, I never experienced migraines before  so either there is some bizarre conspiracy going on which involves the general public collectively underplaying it's horrors or I just haven't been dishing out enough sympathy to a person complaining of a headache -oh boo hoo. Now I demand sympathy.

Yes, as I was saying my emotions and patience are currently very precious. The past two days I have cried about my headache - acceptable,  one born every minute- acceptable, the window being closed - not acceptable, not being able to reach my jug of water - not acceptable. 

In order to get home I need to be temperature free for 48 hours. So far it has been 38 hours so in the morning my consultant is going to review me and let me know if I can head home until the 5th of May, which is when I go to Glasgow for my transplant.


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