So Much To Tell...

So my biggest news that most people already know if that on Friday I was just casually chilling at Radio 1 talking to some of the most important people that I look up to and as well as that I got the chance to sit and drool over their jobs.

Last September whilst I was emailing many many people one person got back to me it was Jason Carter, the man who created BBC Introducing and is also Head of live events and music. The COOLEST job ever. He asked me to come down to London and meet him but unfortunately I had to put that on hold after I got told I had Leukaemia. I still can't spell Leukaemia.  Anyway, on Friday I found myself standing outside this massive and very intimidating building.
Realising how lucky I was to be given the opportunity to speak to Jason. I can imagine he gets hundreds of emails a day from people the same as me. I met his lovely assistant Rebecca, Aled who I spoke to on his surgery show. Piers Bradford who said this blog was inspiring (thank you!). And I even shook hands with Ben Cooper the boss.

As Rebecca showed me about the studios I caught a glimpse of Sara Cox doing her show and let out a rather loud squeal "I LUV HER". Praying that no one heard that I walked away with a bit of a red face. Gawd Rachel stay cool. Later on a met Sara, she was exactly how you would imagine her to be, hilarious, friendly and seriously cool.

Oh yeah and I'm getting to work backstage at the BBC Intro stage at TITP and maybe some other Radio 1/extra stuff too! I am seriously so excited.

On a more serious not I had a bone marrow today. I  think I've wrote about bone marrows before, todays was my fourth just to make sure everything is going okay. I decided to video the whole procedure to maybe show you what goes on. This was probably the least sore one as they didn't actually take a "core" out just the first section. Don't worry there is no nasty bits in the video, just one very very very sedated, drugged Rachel.

I was in two minds to show the first part of the video and it has been edited quite a lot but I felt it was important for you to understand that it is actually a very painful procedure that most people get fully knocked out. Throughout the video you will see that I was heavily sedated even with sedation you can clearly see how painful it is. I can't remember anything that I said in this video!


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