I don't know what to title this sorry....

Hey there. Sorry no, a "hey" doesn't come naturally to me, HIYA. So I've noticed I've been getting a few hits on the blog and I've not posted anything which must mean that you guys are checking up on me to see how I am doing which is very kind- thank you. To answer that question, I'm great thanks! 
I have attempted several times to write some posts but apparently they appropriate. 

I am actually pretty freeeekin' excited about this next month. Hopefully I'll pass my driving test and I'm turning 18 on the 18th of May. I also have got my little media/radio career back on track. I managed to get some work experience in May at Forth One. Also heading down to London twice in the next coming weeks for various BBC encounters... EEK! So I feel like I'm growing up awfully fast and getting my little networking proactive ass back after all these months!

On a really sad note I read in the Daily Mail that a girl called Sarah, around the same age as me passed away from AML (the same condition I had) and was only diagnosed 10 days before she died. My thoughts are with her family and friends and I am thinking of them. I wish there was something that could be done to encourage people to go to the doctors earlier. Its terrifying that feeling "under the weather" could actually be something much more serious...

I don't want to leave this blog on a sad note so heres some pictures that have fuelled my llama obsession.

Peace out homes.


  1. Wow, some seriously inspirational stuff. I am running a project which is raising money and awareness for teenage cancer, would love to get you involved. Could you possibly please shoot me an email at tim@doodlar.com?

    Timothy Armoo


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