
Just wrote a big post and managed to delete the whole thing. Now I'm having a mind blank and can't remember what I said. Idiot.

Anyway, today has been one of the worser days for boredom, and people must be able to see it in my face. The amount of people who have come in my room today and the first thing they have said is "Oh Rachel, are you a bit fed up/bored." Yes siree. I was watching "a Place In the Sun: Home Or Away" for goodness sake. It was such a nice sunny and "crisp" day today and I wanted to go on a walk. I also got denied take-out foods today. 

Bad news out the way. There is not much chemo/cancer related news. I have been attached to a drip for the past week. Let me tell you, its no party. The drip has to go where ever I go, (not very far in my case, but still its a pain in the bum), the toilet, the shower, to switch the lights off, to get some food, to bed. Its a nightmare, you know that feeling when you are just about to drift of to sleep, your comfy, just the right temperature, then BAMB you need to pee. Now thats a hardship in the first place, but taking the drip with you is 5000 times more inconvenient. I often get tangled up in it. This is what a drip machine looks like.
This is me today on the move with the machine, the nurse took the pic.

(If you aren't familiar with my face, no, that is not me) My machine is a lot heavier and has many more buttons and it beeps all the time. I was considering hurling it out the window today, but then I realised that that action would be closely followed up by a visit from the social worker, so I chose not too.

Now onto the topic of food. Hospital food. Lets just say if it was served up in jail there would be a riot. I am not usually fussy, but recently I have turned into the queen of fussiness when it comes to food time. According to moi, hospital food is verging on inedible. And I have a strict food diet now so no take outs. What to do?!

On to the positives, with having so much time on my hands I think a lot. Not that I don't usually think.. you know what I mean. And I have come up with so many productive ideas! Firstly, I want to write a children's book, I know I'm not exactly a writer but I think its a nice way to take up some time. When i finnish this book, if i ever do I would love to sell it and raise money for T.C.T (Teenage Cancer Trust) These guys have done so much for me already and its only 2 weeks in! 
T.C.T is a brilliant charity along with many others. I think when you donate something to charity whether it be a cake sale or a car wash or a sponsored run, sometimes you don't get to see where your money goes. I had no idea how much they do for young people. Firstly they are funding my wig from Charlie Miller, which I can imagine costs an absolute fortune! They also provided me with internet in my room the other day along with loads of support and things like that! 

Here comes some light entertainment of the day. Lets take a look back at Rachel's life this time last year. As I mentioned before I had midnight black hair. I dug up a picture and it left me wondering what the bloody hell I was thinking dying my hair that colour! What a state to get yourself into!! I honestly think I will look better with no hair! It also looks like I have killed a rabbit and put it onto of my head. 


Up next is a picture that Hannah Jones sent me. She sends me "funny pictures" everyday to give something back to the community. This was my favourite.

And finally, yesterday I was challenged to a rap battle with my friend Gavin. I have to say, I clearly won the cup of ... rapping..

You tell me... BRAAAP. #swag #swaggie #rachgotclass #haterzgonhate #gavsucks #swagalicious #swagtron 


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