
Cancer is a hard thing to cope with and a very hard thing to get your head around. Over the past three days I have had more emotions than I have had in my whole life. From feeling pissed off, upset, lucky, happy and so on. One that I haven't felt is loneliness. 

The support Ive had in the past few days has been absolutely incredible. Thank you to everyone who has spoken with me and visited with me so far.

In this blog I am going to let you know what I get up to (not much, I play The Sims 3 a lot) but mostly to raise awareness for stuff like this. Cancer is just a word associated mainly with bad things, but I feel that once I get through this treatment I will become a better person, cheesy as it sounds.

The strange thing is, and everyone that has visited me has said this, I feel and look completely normal. Infact I've not felt this well in months! This is why I feel extremely lucky to have found out about it when I did. I know I've already said this but I really do mean it. 

Yesterday, I had a second bone marrow sample taken (kvjdfksjda,haefvndskj!! - thats how sore they are). Bone marrows are taken to get more information on how my bloods working, something like that. All I know is that they are pretty darn sore. Anyway...for some light entertainment I took a picture of myself when I was slightly sedated. (obviously there is a slight effect on the photo.) 

I also must touch on the fact that I have my own room, which makes all the difference. When the nurse open the door to this room and told me to "make myself comfortable" I thought she was just being a tease. Its pretty decent in here, TV, En Suite, Fridge and a Bed that goes up and down. 

Haha lets all laugh at how bad my roots are?! Is it just this photo or does my hair actually look that dodgy? So yes my rooms nice and I am currently sitting on my bed watching friends, Friends gets me through, seriously. I often wonder if the people who don't watch friends are on the same planet as me. YOU ARE NOT NORMAL. WHO DOESNT LIKE FRIENDS? I feel like I am waffling a little, and so far I'm not living up to this blog expectations. More insightful things to come.


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