Visitor Love

I was considering writing a blog, but now it seems like a silly idea as Ive just taken a sleeping tablet...a very strong one its seems as it begins to take its affects.

I love people visiting me, Laurie and Billy,Ben and Lindsay and Hannah and Emily and of course Isla,Rose and Nonni, oh yeah and my whole family! If you can make me laugh properly (double chin, clapping like a seal in my bed, and giggling non stop) then your on to a winner. 

(typical bantré that I get up to in my room,
I do this bed rising thing to every visitor)

Laurie and Billy, I would love you to buy a fish for my ward and call it Laully (combo of the names) but unfortunately, once I asked my nurse if I could have a fish she gave me a look like "this guurl has issues".... yes I do, NOW LEMME HAE A FISH M8. Next time please bring EMC, I'm his no. 1 fan and you know dis. For those who don't know EMC, he is an up and coming rapper "Fresh Outta Leith". Oh and also bring Jason Tucker because I've got to meet that guy!

Ben and Lindsay came in today with all the gossip from East Lothian, which obviously is necessary in my weekly knowledge. I could disclose a few nasties that they disclosed in our feisty conversations but I won't....I really should. Ben gave me one of the most thoughtful presents I've ever received in my life. Ben knows that I love music because the pair of them joined me at my radio shows every Saturday. He made me two albums full of songs for "Merriment" and songs for "Thoughts" with a beautiful artwork cover that took a lot of effort so thank you very very much ben. And Lindsay thanks for eating all my food. "Can I have that chicken salad too" NO.

And then my Twinnies. They came barring chocolate, Jewels and a good time. The poster was the best part. Some of you might not get the poster thing - infact I really hope you don't get the poster thing. Its filled with a lot of very personal and embarrassing jokes. Including "ello its Paul Dodd 'ere" and the word, action in some cases, "TRUMP" - Hannah Jones. And of course my big booty b!tchez caught me up with some Longridge scandal. 

Hannah you looked nice in that picture, just couldn't help myself. Oh If I could write a blog on funny pictures people have send me. I remember when I took that picture of Hannah I almost pee'd myself. Now, this is a mild picture compared to some that I have in my possession....

And of course my regular visits from Rose McRae and Iona Sethi, that was funny in my head, an obvious sign that I'm going mental in this hospital room. Last visit they came with a Wannaburger, (Cheese and bacon on the burger but forgot the bloody chips!!)"Imagine if I cried because you forgot my chips, oh wait you did." Joking obviously. AND they made me the coolest picture board with a tone of pictures I have seen before! Here is a few specific favourites.                          


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