
I got my hair cut today (at Charlie Miller BTW - never been there before, was very posh). My mum handed me a tissue whilst a good half of my hair got cut off. I didn't cry though.
Here is a before and after picture, I look like I've just woken up in the first one?

Anyway, thats ALOT of hair, and was no where near as bad as I thought it would be, intact I quite like it, my head feels about 10 stone lighter. Some of you reading this may watch the MTV show "The Valleys", well I'm going to admit it, I watch it too. Mainly because I enjoy watching them as they embarrass themselves in front of the nation. The girl who has her hair as long as the country refused to cut it off and made the biggest deal including crying for about 8 hours and calling her mum who also went mental - in the end she got her way and didn't cut it off. Anyway, her outburst made me feel very good about myself. If your a guy you probably won't understand this.The reason behind doing this was because I thought it would be less of an ordeal when my hair does actually come out, which just now I finding a little hard to imagine. 

Since todays wee blog is rather sparse, here is a picture of me brushing my teeth, hmm, interesting. Considering deleting that....? Naah. Enjoy, have a nice evening, my hospital food awaits!


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