
I do sat for a whole minute trying to thing what to call this blog, but nothing special comes to mind so I am going to write about everything thats been going on recently.

Yesterday was fun! I spoke on Radio 1, which I have wanted to do for ages. I was on Aled's Surgery show which is a Social Action show and I spoke on the topic "Living With Leukaemia" and the response I got for just talking for a few minutes was amazing! Before the show I was nervous, but with millions of listeners who wouldn't be! The main thing I was worried about was the fact that I would be answering questions on something I've only known about for two weeks, I am no expert! But Emma, the shows producer, called me up before hand and I went over the questions with Aled which made me slightly less nervous. Anyway Aled and his whole team were lovely and I think it was a good wee idea to talk on their show.

Now on my 5th day of chemo, feeling normal still. My only complaint is that my mouth is a bit dry and I get suddenly tired after I have eaten. I have also lost my appetite slightly, I probably have the appetite of a normal person now because I eat a lot. My doctor and dietician have been telling me to keep eating loads of fatty foods...OKAY! I have also began to realise that I have been more partial to a savoury something to eat rather than eating sugar all the time. I just read back on that sentence and realised how boring I sound! You probably don't care what my eating thoughts are...

I have also been told to cut down on the visitors *cry*, this is because the chemotherapy is knocking all my blood cells out. The white blood cells are the cells that protect against infection, as I will soon have very little of these I am prone to loads of infections which is not good. So if I tell you you can't come and see me its not because I don't want to see you its because you are one big germ. Rose brought me flowers but she had to leave them at the door because my ward is a strictly no-flowers zone. I have also had to cut out any fruits that aren't peal able and cleanable, pro-biotic yogurts, salads,soft cheeses, and eggs. All because they increase the risk of infection. There is also a crazy hand washing craze going around in the ward, I literally wash my hands about 100 times a day, and anyone who comes in here has to wash their hands twice and take their jacket off. 

On another note here is another really really nice gift that Louis my bus bud gave me. They are Rosary Beads which are prayer beads and he told me this lovely little story that they had to them, so thank you Louis!!

Gavin and Lindsay came the other day and it took them 2 and a half hours to get here from haddington, clearly because they are stupid, like its not that hard! But thanks Lindsay and Gavin for Bernard and G the Giraffe.

me and my girls!

Here is a whole section dedicated to my friend Gavin, I might do this every blog and post up uuuuugly pictures that my friends send me of their faces tehe. Gavin McManus is a single guy looking for love. He enjoys riding on his skateboard around town, playing the guitar and he thinks he is that amazing that he can beat me at surfing. Gavin is a good friend to have because he walks me back to my grannies house and he likes to send me pictures like these to cheer me up...

Ps Gavin has no friends and he's afraid of ghosts.


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