BBC Radio 1

Sorry, I am warning you now, this blog is not completely cancer related, well it is but its not. As a lot of my friends know, I am a radio freak, obsessed. Even more so, I think I am a Radio 1 fanatic.
Ooo Hiya!
You probably find this hard to understand. "Why the fudge is she so obsessed!?" Don't ask, I really don't know, all I know is that since I was about 13 I've wanted to be somehow incorporated with Radio 1. Whether it being a presenter (Yes pur-lease) or a producer. 

Over the past few years, I've done nothing but try and get together as much work experience as possible. I'm not going to sit her and write you out my CV but I am pretty proud of how much I have gained and learned so far. I knew it wouldn't be easy to get there and I am looking at this illness I have as a minor setback and inconvenience. 
Before being diagnosed I was meant to be going down to London to meet with Jason Carter (Event Director, Radio 1, and Radio 1Xtra, Head of BBC Introducing), I also planned to be shadowing Jeremy Vine on his weekday show on BBC Radio 2. I wasn't able to go but they have given me even better opportunities for when I recover to go back down to London and possibly work and get involved with a few projects at Radio 1. Which I am beyond BUZZING about. I can't even...phwaaa...

Here is a picture of me and my fave boys "The Kiks" say hi to them on Facebook. I have interviewed these guys way too many times.

Anyway, the other day, Emma the producer of the Sunday night show "The Surgery With Aled" got in touch with me and gave me a phone. She asked if I would like to be on the show on this Sunday night. Erm YES! So if you listen to Radio 1 at 9.20, Sunday you will hear yours truly chatting on the radio to millions of people. Its exciting because although I have only been living with this illness for just over week now, I feel like I want to tell people about it, raise awareness and help others who are maybe just a few stages behind me.

This is something that you don't understand until you have it. 1/3 people will get Cancer. Meaning that somehow, most likey, it will affect your life in one way or another. I want to make people realise what is more important in life. When I log onto Facebook or Twitter now (as I do more often than not in the past week) I see hundreds of people complaining about things I used to complain about. Here are a few examples of my regular complaints.

"Oh ma gawd, ma hair looks so frizzy today"
"I hate hur, shes so fake"
"I hate buses"
"Can't believe she said that about you gurl"
"It is SO annoying when people walk slow in front of me" - Okay so thats one that I still use and its acceptable, MOVE ASIDE. Here are some that I hear all. the. time.
"I'm so fat"
"Where are all the good guys?"
"Fml" (pet hate)
"So unfair"

Princess, you need a reality check. I know this used to be me, but this is one of the biggest reality checks ever. And I know from experience that it would be hard for you understand why I would find all these daily complaints so irritating. But trust me, family and health are the most important things in the world of course friends as well. Not money or these little silly things!

Anyway, got totally offtrack there! Listen to BBCR1 on Sunday night 9.20 PM! 

Also, I start chemo tomorrow. I will update later.


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