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I just received the best email EVER!

In a particularly good mood today for three reasons.
1) I just woke up from a lush nap and full of energy so have been listening to the music channels for the past hour...no dancing was going on or anything...
2) Charlie Millers son is coming round today to let me try out some wigs, strange thing to be excited about I know but I am buzzing to get a new hair style. As most of my friend know I change my hair style/colour/length on almost a daily basis. At around this time last year I had black hair and had made the decision to go blonde. In my old school it was almost a trend for a vast majority of the girls to get the bleach out and have competitions on who's hair was blonder. Here is my hair over the past year.
I am addicted to changing my hair, the picture above is just a miniature spectrum of colours from brown to red to purple to black to blonde to gone. I grew my hair all by myself for 17 years. Hair you will be well and truly missed but I will see you again soon, thanks for being so tolerant of my straightening, cutting, blowing, dying. No thanks for going curly in the rain, get that sorted!

oh yes and 3)

Since my big moment on the radio (1 may I add) I have got such positive feed back. A lot of it say how confident I sounded. Let me tell you, I have not been that nervous for a while. But over the past 5 or6 year I have gained so much more confidence in speaking. I remember in primary 7 I was too nervous to put up my hand and ask a question, everytime was my turn to read I would almost be sick with nerves and my worst memory of nerves was again in P6. "The Six Factor was an adaptation of the "The X Factor" and EVERYONE had to take part. I remember as the date was fast approaching my group, Iona McRae, Caitlin Brodie, Kirsty Mahoney, Sophie Pearson and Simran Wilks had prepared a rendition of the popular ad "Sheila's Wheels". About two days before the teacher started being a total arse and told us we couldn't do that song. We could chose any song ever made on this planet to sing in front of the class and what did we chose? "Dr Jones - Aqua". So basically we got up in front of the class, as the instrumental began. Horror. NOBODY SANG! I was planning on miming the words, but apparently so was everyone else. So anyway, that lead to my face turning beetroot and it scarred me for life, I'm not surprised that I didn't cry. Anyway Chloanne Dodds stole the show with her beautiful rendition of "My Heart Will Go On, 8 years on and everybody still talks about it. Now what was I talking about? Oh yes the radio (as per). The email I was talking about at the beginning of todays blog, I hesitate to go into too much detail, but it made my day. So once my treatment is done and dusted I will hopefully be heading on down to London to do some work with R1. "Get Well Soon" - IM ON IT! :D

For those who can't remember this advert. 

and for those who don't know what Dr Jones sounds like....

Have a good day!


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